Instant Access to Your 20-Page Guide

There is a massive need for quality podcasts in the market, and it's never been as easy as ever to start your own and create your digital footprint in the podcast world. There are millions of podcasts being broadcasted every day, and there's still room for YOURS.

I started my first podcast in 2008. My show was discovered by a local radio station and my podcast was the starting point to launch me into a 10-year broadcasting career. During my years on the radio, I've hosted over 5,000 broadcasts and I've interviewed over 2500 guests.

Let's get you started on hosting your own platform for success.

Host & Promote Your Own Podcast

We Broke it Down into a few Simple Steps

Our 20-page guide is designed to take the stress out of hosting your own show. Being organized is the key to being prepared and creating a positive experience for both your audience and your guests.

Setting your show up for success means creating a consistent broadcasting schedule, having your guest application set up, and showing up prepared.


7-Day Quickstart Steps

Getting Organized

Finding Guests for Your Show

Equipment / Studio Needs

A List of Sample Interview Questions to Have "Up Your Sleeve"

Attracting Followers

Creating Exposure